Digital production manager, editor and publisher for Te Taiao | Nature, Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand.
My Tatau tri-lingual subtitles
Tri-lingual Sāmoan, Māori and English closed captions for Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand video, My Tatau for the 2019–2020 Tatau exhibition.
Website: Shearwater Associates
Shearwater Associates deliver writing, editing and translation services.
Website: Eye in the Sky
An e-commerce website for the photographic book Eye in the Sky, for Phantom House Books.
Mark Adams Tamatea subtitles
Bi-lingual Māori and English closed captions for Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand video on photographer Mark Adams for the Tamatea exhibition.
Website: Elizabeth Knox
Elizabeth Knox is an award-winning New Zealand fiction author.
Website: Randell Cottage Writers Trust website
The Randell Cottage in Wellington hosts a New Zealand and French author each year for six months per resident.
Website: Sarah Gaitanos
Sarah Gaitanos is a New Zealand non-fiction author and biographer.
Website: Fiona Kidman website
Dame Fiona Kidman is an award-winning New Zealand author of fiction and poetry.